
  • Sampletank Format Converter
    카테고리 없음 2020. 3. 2. 03:58

    CDXTRACT for Windows, Mac OS9 and Mac OSXOur commitment is to provide the most reliable and powerfulsampler utility for the audio professionnals.Superior architecture:CDXtract is based on a very sophisticated and robust architecture thatis fully object-oriented. Most of the high level functions required towork on sampler files are directly implemented in the Kernel and accessibleto any format that needs to use it. The advantage of this architectureis that the same code is not duplicated again and again, moreover it increasesthe overal reliability. One example is the support of alternate loopsthat are available in some hardware samplers but not in any software samplersso far. Each sample read by CDXtract is handled by a special object calleda 'Virtual Sample', this Virtual Sample is responsible for providingaudio data to any other components. If this sample has an alternate loopthen the Virtual sample object will emulate its looping mode and willprovide audio data accordingly which means that the player and all theconverters don't have to deal with this alternate loop problem, for themit's just a simple forward loop.

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    This guarantee that an alternate loopwill always be perfectly converted whatever the destination format is.Universal conversions:Here again CDXtract benefits from a excellent design based on a drivertechnology. Each source format and each destination format are implementedas drivers and all the conversions are performed through an internal format.So everytime we add a new destination format then all the existing sourceformats can be converted to this new destination format, and everytimewe add a new source format then it can be converted to all the existingdestination formats. That's why the number of possible conversions inCDXtract is growing at an exponential rate, while the competition is stilladding one conversion at a time.Innovate:CDXtract has always been a precursor and again this version 4 includessome unique features that bring the sampler conversion to a new levelof creativity.

    CDXtract 4 allows you to select several programs and combinethem in different ways. For example you can stack them on top of eachother in order to create new multi-layered programs. Possible applicationsare infinite, you can for example create a new violin instrument by stackinga legato violin, a staccato violin, a tremolo violin and finally a pizzicato.CDXtract 4 includes a stack editor that allows you to adjust the velocityscale and the global velocity response of your new multi-layered instruments.Conversion options:Given the number of possible conversions within CDXtract, the numberof options available is quite large. Moreover it's not easy for the userto understand if a given option affects or not one specific conversion.That's why CDXtract 4 has an extremely intuitive representation of allthe options applicable to each conversion.

    All the options are representedin a conversion graph that speaks for itself. In the following example,we are converting an Akai disc to the EXS24 format. The Akai programswith the same program number are automatically merged with the 'AutoMerge'option, then the tuning reference is adjusted from 442 Hz to 440 Hz andthe output level is set to -6dB.

    The Akai stereo samples are convertedto stereo interleaved samples and they are saved in the same folder usingthe Aiff format.Mac version:Yes it's here, finally the first universal sampler converter on the Macintoshplatform. The PC and the Mac versions offer the same functions with avery similar user interface.

    The Mac version has been optimized to runwith less than 20 meg of RAM which leaves you plenty of space to run othermusic softwares at the same time. CDXtract works on MacOS 8.6 and higherand is also available on Mac OSX.Advanced player and Magic player:CDXtract has a built in advanced player that has been specially designedto work with sampler audio files.

    For example some formats such as Akaiand Soundfont store their stereo samples as 2 separate mono samples thatcan have their own loop settings. Other formats such as Roland supportmore looping modes like reverse and alternate. The worst case scenariois when you have a stereo sample with desynchronized alternate loops anda start point inside or at the end of the loop (thus the loop begins toplay backward then forward). CDXtract is the only software that can playall these samples exactly as if they were played by the hardware samplerthey were designed for. The player can be configured to load and playa limited length of audio data, thus allowing you to get a very fast previeweven on huge audio files.The magic player is a new tool that you can use for fast and automaticbulk preview.

    Imagine that you just bought a new Akai CD full of drumloops. Open this CD with CDXtract, select the all the partitions and clickon the Magic player icon. CDXtract will then parse all partitions andall volumes and automatically play all samples one after another withoutany user interaction, exactly as if it were a regular audio CD.

    My set-up breaks down as follows:Mac Pro (tower, Mid 2010) Mac OSX 10.10.5 (Yosemite) Logic Pro 9 (DAW)Installed / Running: Total Workstation 3, which includes.Miroslav Philharmonik (v.1)Sonic Synth (v.2)Sample Tank (v.2.5)I own disc, physical copies and because they're dated for 'Power PC' version Mac systems, I can't install everything from the disc. The disc gives me an error saying it can't install due to it not finding a 'Power PC'.

    I've managed to install all of the plug-ins interfaces from my 'IK User Area'. Because I purchased disc, I don't have the option to download the sound files. Is there a way to download all of the sounds even though I have disc copies?^ That given, the obvious question aside, I've managed to install the sound / instrument files from the (Power PC) disc. However, since I couldn't run the installer, I had to manually install the sound files in a custom made folder. Thanks to help I've found on this forum, I routed them as close their would-be location as I could:MAC OS Hardrive Library Application Support IK Multimedia 'App Name' Sounds (custom made folder)Other than the install app on the 'Sounds DVD's', I've copied all of the sound files, in their original folders (instrument names) into the locations listed above. To my surprise, it's worked well and the instruments load into the applications.

    However, I have a major concern. As I understand, the only files pertaining to the actual WAV / sound files is the.stw files. The others -.sti,.stip, sth - I assume are related to 'Presets' and 'Preferences'. They're installed, all together with sound files how they were saved on the disc.

    In the apps, I don't have any presets or preferences options.Are they not where they need to be installed or do I even have hope in retaining them?What do all of the different file types associate with?One additional note: I seemingly could install the actual (outdated) apps from the disc, but it told me I had a newer version installed (from IK website) and that it would replace them. I could NOT install the sounds only DVD's - that's when it told me that I didn't have a Power PC based system. Would it be better if I installed the old version first and only, then try to install the sounds DVD's with the collating apps installed?


    Sampletank Format Converter Download

    It'd put everything where it needs to be? Then after, update to the newer Apps hoping to save the location and structure and sounds DVD's?I hope this all makes sense, it's rather simple, just a lengthy description.Thanks for any advice in advance! Posts: 6 Joined: Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:18 am. Cmontgomery wrote. I've managed to install the sound / instrument files from the (Power PC) disc. However, since I couldn't run the installer, I had to manually install the sound files in a custom made folder. Thanks to help I've found on this forum, I routed them as close their would-be location as I could:MAC OS Hardrive Library Application Support IK Multimedia 'App Name' Sounds (custom made folder)Good oh.

    I have installed my ST2.5 libraries precisely once (in over 10 years). Since then I have copied them from one disk or system to another. Cmontgomery wrote.

    I've managed to install the sound / instrument files from the (Power PC) disc. However, since I couldn't run the installer, I had to manually install the sound files in a custom made folder. Thanks to help I've found on this forum, I routed them as close their would-be location as I could:MAC OS Hardrive Library Application Support IK Multimedia 'App Name' Sounds (custom made folder)Good oh. I have installed my ST2.5 libraries precisely once (in over 10 years). Since then I have copied them from one disk or system to another.

    Cmontgomery wrote:What do all of the different file types associate with?stw files do indeed contain the actual sample files.Each instrument also requires a.sth and a.sti file; all three must be in the same folder.stip files are preset files, referencing an instrument file; they must be in the same folder as the referenced instrument.Thanks for the feedback DarkStar. I believe it was from some of your other post that I was able to determine how and where to install the sound files.My only remaining concern is: I installed all of the collating file types (mentioned above) in the same 'SOUNDS' or 'INSTRUMENTS' folders per program. When I launch these programs, I do have all of the instruments available and routed through the same folder sets (instrument names) that was copied into the manually installed folders. However, I don't have presets. I have a presets folder in each app, by default, but they are blank, empty.Do I need to manually move all of the 'preset' files to the default 'preset' folder in order for presets to be available? That would be the.stip files?or do I need to leave them in the very same folder, side-by-side with the sound files (.stw's)? Posts: 6 Joined: Thu Mar 29, 2012 4:18 am.

    User presets and Child presets are the.stip files. They MUST be in the same folder as their 'parent' instrument files (the,sth,.sti and,stw files).I'll guess that the 'Preset' folders to which you refer are in the folders where the programs were installed.

    IF so, then those are for the 'Combis' (.ikmp file extension). Combis are files saving the status of all 16 slots in the plug-in / program. Not all of the products come with factory Combis, but you can Save your own (or buy them in some cases).What make you think that the Child presets (the.stip files) are not present? They should be listed in the Browser.

    As an example, here they are for the Solo Flugelhorn (Long):.

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